Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I had my MUGA last week. I thought that I had it this week, but was mistaken. My refraction rate was 65%, so it went up compared to last time. Yeah!!! I think if I get some cardiovascular activity in it helps. Sometimes that is hard for me, but with summer here and nice weather, I don't think that it will be a problem to get outside and exercise a bit. My next appointment will be my herceptin infusion next Wednesday and another one 3 weeks after that. I think that I have another CT scan in July before seeing my oncologist for the last time before he leaves the clinic. Then I will need to choose someone new. I am nervous about this, but excited at the same time to have another opinion on my care. So as long as everything is quiet I probably won't update until then.

Thanks again to everyone who has supported me in this journey. It is getting closer and closer to it being one year since my diagnosis and boy have I come a long way. In the beginning a little part of me thought that I would not be here typing this to you, but instead I'm cancer free and kicking its butt. There are so many survivor stories out there and I just have to keep reminding myself that yes, I am a SURVIVOR and yes I will keep winning this battle. Of course not without a little help from my faith, modern medicine and of course all of you out there cheering me on. I love you all.


Anonymous said...

Congradulations to you and your family, It's been a long hard journey but you have done it and we are all with you and cheering you on,You are a very hard worker as we can see and you worked hard for yourself and your family to survive this terrible part of your life.Keep the faith and stay well Nicole,Hope we can see you sometime in the near future.Good luck and Take Care. Lov to all!!!!! C&D Griffin

Aunt Brenda said...

Yeah - I love reading your great news! You are so amazing. You have been through so much and kicked that cancer's butt just like you said. Stay strong! Love you!
Aunt Brenda

Anonymous said...

WE too are so proud the way you have handled every thing these past months. We still pray for you each day that things will continue and you get will be stronger for it all. Wish we were closer to give you a big hug, but Aug. will soon be here. Love you always give your 3 boys a hug from me. Grandma H.

Anonymous said...

Nicole and Family, We are so sorry to hear about your Dad. But now he has no more hurting and no more suffering. And you can be happy that he stayed with us long enough to see that you survived your cancer. He will always be in our hearts. And he will be missed by all. Take Care you are in our prayers. Love Your Dads cousin,C&D Griffin

Anonymous said...

Your fortitude and attitude to this all will continue to make you a survivor. This is your cancer story and will continue to be successful no matter what cards you are dealt. GO TEAM NICOLE!!!!
with mucho amor,
Auntie Sandy