The Two Little Indians (sorry that you can't see their feathers in the back)
My Little Turkey
Our family has many reasons to be thankful this Thanksgiving compared to previous years. Like my mom has always said to me if you don't have your health you don't have nothing, which is very true. I'm so thankful for all my family and friends who have helped us deal with what we never saw coming 3 1/2 months ago. Life definitely means so much more now then it did then, which it should not come to getting a serious illness to make one realize that, not that I have always taken life for granted, but I just cherish it a little more now. I'm so thankful for modern medicine and what it has done for me to get rid of this cancer and I pray that it will stay away. I'm very blessed to have a family who has been there for us when we needed them to help out with the kids, housework, and just being there to listen and reassure that everything will get better, I'm just taking a little detour in my life right now. I'm also thankful for both Bryan and I to have employment at places that care and and appreciate all the support they have given us, that's including all of you at Coborn's in Milaca. I hope you all have had a great Thanksgiving and thank you to all who are reading this and all the support you have given our family in one way or another.