Friday, September 12, 2008

You Made My Day

To all of my wonderful coworkers you are the best! What a great surprise! Of course I cried tears of happiness when I saw the picture. I am truly blessed to work for a company that is standing behind me, supporting and fighting with me. I'm looking forward to returning to work and seeing you all soon. You made my day!


Aunt Brenda said...

What an awesome picture. You have your own "NETWORK" following you. That is amazing! We all continue to pray for you and hope your chemo treatment goes well and you feel as good as the last one. We love you.
Aunt Brenda

Anonymous said...


It looks like you work with a wonderful group of people. Thinking of you on a daily basis, praying and hoping your chemo treatment this next week goes well. Stay strong!!!


Anonymous said...

We cheered at the news of your negative for cancer bone scan and MRI!!!!We continue to pray for healing and hope. We love you so much.
“Inhale peace; exhale despair.” “Breathe in hope; blow out fear.” “Inhale healing; exhale disease.” “Breathe in love; blow out turmoil.”
Have a great Sunday and remember that Monday you get to kill some more cancer!!!! ROARRRRRRR
Auntie Sandy